April 04, 2018
Our Spring Photo Shoot...

On many occasions the most inspiring ideas and plans for capturing our beautiful stock can come to mind and feel so exciting to initiate. Also on many occasions, the reality of bringing these ideas to fruition leave the initial idea lost in a blur of budget requirements, weather changes and sometimes, it just not working out.
I am happy to report that from conception to completion our dream for showcasing the most stunning 1930’s dress eased into action and gave all involved pure joy to see her in all her glory.

The venue was a small cactus nursery in the middle of the Devon countryside, nestled away so that without excellent googling skills you may never discover it was there at all.
The Cactus Shop near Winkley was the perfect setting for our tentative tiptoe into spring.In fact it’s warm and exotic scenery made us feel perfectly ready for summer and all our fabulous stock to come.

Rows and rows of amazing cacti filled the greenhouse space, everywhere around succulents trailed, huge cacti towered above our heads and tiny cuttings adorned huge tables for as far as the eye could see.

As complete plant obsessives here at Willow Hilson HQ, to say we were in heaven would be something of an understatement!

More important even than the right venue would be choosing the right model.
Not only to fit the mood of the shoot but the style of the feature dress.
In this case a meeting of perfect styles came together in the iconic 1930’s Art Deco cut, floor length gown with fluid train and sequinned bodice and the quintessential English blossom that is Maria Rose.

Our super talented artist and friend Maria has been based in the South West since gaining her BA Fine Arts degree from Plymouth university in 2007.
Her passion for painting outdoors is reflected in the simply stunning pieces she produces of the landscapes all around her.

A true vintage lover and antique collector Maria is the perfect embodiment of individual, artistic, femininity that not only embodies the feeling of the photo shoot but of the style that is synonymous with Willow Hilson Vintage.
You can find Maria's work at her website https://www.mariaroseartist.co.uk